Sittard-Geleen has a wide range of outstanding educational facilities: primary schools, special needs schools, secondary schools, and secondary and higher vocational education. More importantly, most schools in Sittard-Geleen rate highly on national and international rankings. It offers a very wide selection of top education in a very small area.
Primary school
In Sittard-Geleen, the high density of good schools is reflected by the many small-scale, child-friendly primary schools with short waiting lists. The combination of good schools and a safe living environment means that many children here travel between home and school safely and independently.
With public-authority primary schools, schools based on religious or ideological principles, Waldorf schools, and special needs schools, the choice of primary schools close to home is large.
List of primary schools in Sittard-Geleen
Secondary school
The secondary schools in Sittard-Geleen offer nationally accredited top quality, with international programmes for Dutch and international pupils alike. Despite the fact that many of them are among the top schools in the Netherlands, there are no waiting lists.
Particularly notable is the Trevianum school group. This school's university preparatory division was proclaimed by the Dutch weekly magazine Elsevier as best in the country in 2007, and was ranked in the top ten in the Netherlands in 2013 and 2014. DaCapo College scored very highly with its general practical and combined theoretical lower secondary vocational programmes.
Secondary education
Graaf Huyn College (vocational/upper secondary/pre-university)
DaCapo College (pre-vocational secondary)
Trevianum (upper secondary/pre-university)

MBO (senior secondary vocational education)
Leeuwenborgh is a regional training centre in Sittard-Geleen offering unique programmes and exciting education with the best in educational guidance and supervision. Leeuwenborgh offers a broad spectrum of programmes at a variety of levels and directed towards a number of different target groups.
Higher vocational education
The universities of applied sciences in Sittard-Geleen offer a broad curriculum of quality higher education programmes. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences has twice been selected as best of the larger college of applied sciences in the country.
Both the teaching programmes at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Zuyd University's accountancy programme were voted best in the Netherlands in 2012.
Want to know more about teaching programmes? Visit the page on Studying